Configuration Security Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to edit or modify the access control for saved configurations.

By default, the Configuration Security dialog box displays the configurations which you (the logged-in user) have access to or the configurations that are shared to you. If you are logged in as SYSADMIN or as a member of the SYSADMIN group, you will always see all the system users.


Field Description
Process Use this field to select a process whose saved configurations you want to display.
  • Cost Data
  • Integration Wizard
  • wInsight

If you do not select a process, all of the saved configurations are displayed.

Show all users Select this option to display all the configurations in the system, regardless of the configuration owner. You must have access rights to a configuration file in order to edit it.
Apply Filter Click this button to display the records in the grid.
Delete Select a configuration you want to delete from the grid and click the Delete button.

A confirmation message displays. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion. You can select multiple rows for deletion by pressing CTRL+click.

Configuration Security Grid The upper grid displays the following columns:
  • Process: This column displays the process name.
  • Name: This column displays the configuration name.
  • Description: This column displays the configuration description.
  • Owner: This column displays the user ID that created the configuration file.

Even the owner cannot modify the file when the Read only checkbox is selected. Click the column heading to sort the records by the column field.

Access Control Grid When you select a configuration on the upper grid, the lower grid displays the corresponding access control and allows the owner or any member of the SYSADMIN group to edit the settings.
  • Owner: This field displays the user ID of the owner of the configuration file. Click the to change the ownership of the configuration file and select another user ID in the Users Lookup dialog box.
  • User: Users refer to individuals who can be given the right to open and view the configuration file.
  • Group: Groups are composed of individual users and provide a convenient way of assigning multiple user rights to the configuration file. A user can be a member of any number of groups. The SYSADMIN group is a special group that has access to administrative information.
  • Role: Roles define the permissions of a user. Each user has a primary role, such as an analyst or a project manager. You can override the primary role for an individual by entering a role next to a group or a user.
  • Read Only: When selected, this option allows the file creator or any member of the SYSADMIN group to grant Read Only access to the configuration file.

Only the configuration file owner or a member of the SYSADMIN group can delete a configuration file. If you are viewing a personal configuration with the same name as an existing shared configuration that you do not own, the Configuration Security page displays a message informing you that the configuration you are viewing cannot be shared, instead of the Access Control grid with the New and Delete buttons.